CEO DATELINE - Archery association develops program to protect deer populations
CEO DATELINE - Archery association develops program to protect deer populations
- May 4, 2016 |
- Walt Williams
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In an attempt to protect the interest of some of its members, the Archery Trade Association is trying alleviate fear of a disease that has resulted in two states banning the use of deer urine in scents used for hunting.
The "Deer Protection Program" was developed by ATA after Vermont and Virginia banned the use of scents made with dear urine last year. The urine is collected from deer farms, which have a higher rate of chronic wasting disease among their herds than in wild populations. Some scientists fear that urine from infected deer is contributing to an increase in the disease among wild deer.
ATA counts deer scent manufacturers among its members. The association has worked with state wildlife agencies and wildlife-disease experts to craft a credentialing program for scent manufacturers to ensure they are taking steps to keep their products disease free.
"In our view, the ATA Program goes well beyond the current (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and state regulations related to CWD testing," the association said in a statement.
The program will be monitored by an advisory group consisting of representatives of state wildlife agencies and state veterinary services.